Refund Policy
Subscription Policy
If you would like to downgrade your title from Pro to Free Version we are more than happy to help! You will just need to submit a request through our Help Center. Choose the “Changes to my Pro registration” option and select “Downgrade from Pro to Standard” from the drop-down menu.
Copyright Refund
Once you have submitted your application to Splitz Inc. , it is reviewed, and checked for potential errors, and a determination about the final application type that should be used for your filing is made. This is a critical part of the process – certain errors and misfiled applications can cause your application to be denied by the Copyright Office, which will not refund your federal filing fees. If we spot any errors or concerning issues, we will reach out to you several times over several months to resolve those issues before submitting the final application to the U.S. Copyright Office. If you do not respond to our numerous outreach efforts, we will provide a refund of the federal filing fees for your application.