Splitz Inc. Privacy Policy for Splitz Streamz 

About this Policy   

This Privacy Policy describes how we process your data at Splitz Inc. From now on, we’ll call it the ‘Policy.’ 

It applies to your use of: 

  • all Splitz Inc. streaming services as a user. For example, this includes: 
  • your use of Splitz App for business on any device 
  • Your use of Splitz Streamz on any device 
  • the personalization of your user experience   
  • the infrastructure required to provide our services   
  • connection of your Splitz Inc. account with another application 
  • both our free or paid streaming options (each a ‘Service Option’) 
  • other Splitz Inc. services which include a link to this Policy. These include Splitz Inc. websites, Customer Service, and the Community Site    

From now on, we’ll collectively call these the ‘Splitz Inc. Service.’ 

From time to time, we may develop new or offer additional services. They’ll also be subject to this Policy, unless stated otherwise when we introduce them. If you reside in California, our supplemental California Notice at Collection applies in addition to this Policy. 

 This Policy is not:  

  • the Splitz Inc. Terms of Use, which is a separate document. The Terms of Use outline the legal contract between you and Splitz Inc. for using the Splitz Inc. Service. It also describes the rules of Splitz Inc. and your user rights.   
  • about your use of other Splitz Inc. services which have their own privacy policy such as Splitz App for business. 

Your personal data rights and controls   

Privacy laws give certain rights to individuals over their personal data. 

Below explains: 

  • your rights   
  • circumstances when they apply   
  • how to use them   

You can also watch our video about Your Privacy Controls. You will not receive discriminatory treatment for exercising any of your privacy rights. 

It’s your right to Be informed: 

Be informed of the personal data we process about you and how we process it.   

We inform you: 

  • through this Policy 
  • through information provided to you as you use the Splitz Inc. Service 
  • by answering your specific questions and requests when you contact us  


Request to know and access the personal data we process about you.   

To request a copy of your personal data from Splitz Inc., either: 

Visit our website contact us page   

When you download your data, you will receive the information about your data that Splitz Inc. has to provide under applicable laws. If you would like more information about how we process your personal data, you can contact us. 


For a Correction:   

Request that we amend or update your personal data where it’s inaccurate.   

You can edit your User Data under ‘Edit profile’ in your account or by contacting us. 

For a Deletion:   

Request that we delete certain of your personal data.   

Please note there are situations where Splitz Inc. is unable to delete your data, for example, when: 

  • it’s still necessary to process the data for the purpose we collected it for 
  • we have an overriding interest in continuing to process the data, for example where we need the data to protect our services from fraud 
  • Splitz Inc. has a legal obligation to keep the data, or   
  • Splitz Inc. needs the data to establish, exercise or defend legal claims. For example, if there’s an unresolved issue relating to your account. 


There are several ways you can delete personal data from Splitz Inc.: 

  • to remove audio content you have saved, select the relevant content and choose to remove it. For example, you can remove a track from your playlist or remove an artist you’ve saved to your Library. 
  • to request deletion of your account data from Splitz Inc. and close your account, follow the steps on our support page. This data includes your User Data, Usage Data, and other data listed in Section 3 ‘Personal data we collect about you.’ 
  • for any other deletion requests, you can contact us 

Data portability:  

Request a copy of your personal data in electronic format and the right to transmit that personal data for use in another party’s service.   

For information about how to exercise the right to portability, see ‘Know/Access’ above.

Not be subject to automated decision-making:   

Not be subject to a decision based solely on automated decision making (decisions without human involvement), including profiling, where the decision would have a legal effect on you or produce a similarly significant effect.   

Splitz Inc. does not carry out this type of automated decision-making in the Splitz Inc. Service. 


Withdrawal of consent:   

Withdraw your consent to us collecting or using your personal data.   

You can do this if Splitz Inc. is processing your personal data solely based on your consent.   

To withdraw your consent, you can: 

  • contact us. 


Verifying requests, generally:   

To verify a request to know, request to delete, and request to correct, we ask you to provide certain details related to your Splitz Inc. account. Please note, if you do not have a Splitz Inc. account, we will not have enough information about you to verify your identity and respond to your requests. As such, we will be unable to verify and honor your requests. 

Household requests:   

If all the members of a household make an access, correction, or deletion request, we will respond as if the requests are individual requests. 


Requests made through agents:   

You may designate, in writing or through a power of attorney (in accordance with local law), an authorized agent to make requests on your behalf to exercise your rights. Before accepting such a request from an agent, we will require the agent to provide proof you have authorized it to act on your behalf, and we may need you to verify your identity directly with us. 

Appeals process:   

If your request is denied, you may have the right to appeal the denial in accordance with the instructions provided to you when the denial was made. 


Personal data we collect about you: 

Below we set out the categories of personal data we collect from you. 

Collected when you sign up for the Splitz Inc. Service or when you update your account: 

Categories: User Data  

Categories under CCPA: Identifiers; and Characteristics of protected classifications under California or U.S. law (i.e., your age and gender). 

Description: Personal data that we need to create your Splitz Inc. account and that enables you to use the Splitz Inc. Service. This may include your profile name, email address, password, phone number, date of birth, gender, street address, country, and university/college (for Splitz Inc. Premium Student). 

 Street Address Data:   

Categories: Geolocation data.   

We may ask for and process your street address for the following reasons: 

  • to check eligibility for a Service Option 
  • to deliver notices which are required by law 
  • to deliver support options 
  • for billing and tax administration 
  • to deliver physical goods or gifts which you have requested   

 In some cases, we may use a third-party application to help you verify your address, such as Google Maps. 

Collected through your use of the Splitz Inc. Service: 

 Categories: Usage Data 

Categories under CCPA:  Internet or other electronic network activity information; Geolocation data (i.e., your non-precise location as derived from your IP address); Commercial information; and Inferences. 

Description: Personal data collected and processed about you when you’re accessing or using the Splitz Inc. Service. This includes your actions, such as search queries, streaming history, playlists, browsing history, and more. 


Your general (non-precise) location:   

Your general location includes country, region, or state. We may learn this from technical data (e.g., your IP address, language setting of your device) or payment currency.   

We need this to: 

  • meet geographic requirements in our agreements with the owners of content on the Splitz Inc. Service. 
  • deliver content and advertising that’s relevant to you. 


Additional data you may choose to give us: 

Categories: Payment and Purchase Data and  

Categories under CCPA: Commercial Information 

Description: If you make any purchases from Splitz Inc. or sign up for a paid Service Option or a trial, we will process your payment data. 


Our purpose for using your personal data and categories of personal data that we use for each purpose: 

  • Our purpose for processing your personal data:
  • Purpose: To provide the Splitz Inc. Service:
  • Category: User Data, Street Address Data, Usage Data, Payment and Purchase Data
  • Purpose: To diagnose, troubleshoot, and fix issues with the Splitz Inc. Service.
  • Category: User Data, Usage Data
  • Purpose: To evaluate and develop new features, technologies, and improvements to the Splitz Inc. Service.
  • Category: User Data, Usage Data, Survey and Research Data
  • Purpose: For marketing or advertising purposes.
  • Category: User Data, Usage Data, Survey and Research Data
  • Purpose: To comply with a legal obligation that we are subject to.
  • Category: User Data, Street Address Data, Usage Data, Payment and Purchase Data

Disclosing your personal Data: 

This section sets out who receives personal data that is collected or generated through your use of the Splitz Inc. Service. 

Publicly available information:   

The following personal data will always be publicly available on the Splitz Inc. Service (except to any user you have blocked): 

  • your profile name 
  • your profile photo 
  • your public playlists 
  • other content you post on the Splitz Inc. Service, and any associated titles, descriptions, and images   

You or another user can share certain information on third-party services, like social media or messaging platforms. 


Personal data you may choose to disclose: 

 We will only disclose the following personal data with those outlined below: 

  • where you have chosen to use a Splitz Inc. Service feature or a third-party application, service, or device, and we need to disclose personal data to enable this, or 
  • if you otherwise grant us your permission to disclose the personal data. 

Categories of recipients: Third-party applications, services, and devices you connect to your Splitz Inc. account.  

Categories of data you can choose to share: User Data, Usage Data 

Reason for choosing to share: To connect your Splitz Inc. account, or so that you can use the Splitz Inc. Service in connection with third-party applications, services, or devices.                                                                     


Disclosing your personal data: 

Information we may disclose:  

See this table for details of who we disclose your data to and why: 


Categories of recipients:  Categories of data:  Reason for disclosing: 
Service providers  User Data, Street Address Data, Usage Data, Payment and Purchase Data, Survey and Research Data  So they can provide their services to Splitz Inc. These service providers include those we hire to give customer support, operate the technical infrastructure needed to provide the Splitz Inc. Service, assist in protecting and securing our systems and services, and help market Splitz Inc.’s products, services, and promotions. 


Payment partners  User Data, Payment and Purchase Data  So they can process your payments and for anti-fraud purposes. 


Advertising partners  User Data, Usage Data  So they can help us deliver more relevant advertising to you on the Splitz Inc. Service and help measure the effectiveness of ads. 


Marketing partners  User Data, Usage Data  To promote Splitz Inc. with our partners. We disclose certain User Data and Usage Data to these partners where necessary to enable you to participate in Splitz Inc. promotions, including trials or other bundled offers, and to promote Splitz Inc. in media and advertising published on other online services. 


Ticketing and event partners  User Data  For events where we sell tickets, we may need to disclose your name, email, or other order details to event partners such as ticketing agents or venues. 


Podcast hosting platforms  Usage Data  Hosting platforms deliver podcasts to you. We disclose certain data, such as your IP address, to the podcast hosting platforms when you play a podcast. 


Academic researchers  User Data, Usage Data  For activities such as statistical analysis and academic study, but only in a pseudonymized format. 


Other Splitz Inc. group companies, including companies that Splitz Inc. acquires  User Data, Street Address Data, Usage Data, Payment and Purchase Data, Survey and Research Data  To carry out our daily business operations and to maintain, improve, and provide the Splitz Inc. Service and acquired companies’ services to you. 


Law enforcement and other authorities, or other parties to litigation  User Data, Usage Data, Payment and Purchase Data  When we believe it’s necessary, such as to comply with a legal obligation, respond to valid legal processes (e.g., court orders), or protect against national security threats or criminal investigations. 


Purchasers of our business  User Data, Street Address Data, Usage Data, Payment and Purchase Data, Survey and Research Data  If we were to sell or negotiate to sell our business to a buyer or possible buyer. In this case, we may transfer your personal data to a successor as part of that transaction. 


Data retention   

We keep your personal data only as long as necessary to provide you with the Splitz Inc. Service and for Splitz Inc.’s legitimate and essential business purposes, such as:   

  • maintaining the performance of the Splitz Inc. Service 
  • making data-driven business decisions about new features and offerings 
  • complying with our legal obligations 
  • resolving disputes   

 Here are some of the categories of our retention periods and the criteria we use to determine them: 

Data retained until you remove it: 

It’s your right to request that we delete certain of your personal data. See the section on ‘Deletion’ in Section 2 ‘Your personal data rights and controls’ for more information, and the circumstances in which we can act on your request. 

You can also delete certain personal data directly from the Splitz Inc. Service: for example, you can edit or delete your profile picture. Where users are able to see and update the personal data themselves, we keep the information for as long as the user chooses unless one of the limited purposes described below applies. 


Data that expires after a specific period of time: 

We have set certain retention periods so that some data expires after a specific period of time. For example, personal data you may input as part of search queries is generally deleted after 90 days. 

Data retained until your Splitz Inc. account is deleted: 

We keep some data until your Splitz Inc. account is deleted. Examples of this include your Splitz Inc. username and profile information. We also typically keep streaming history for the life of an account to provide retrospective playlists and personalized recommendations. When your Splitz Inc. account is deleted, this category of data is deleted or de-identified. 

 Data retained for extended time periods for limited purposes: 

After your account is deleted, we keep some data for a longer time period but for very limited purposes. For example, we may be subject to legal or contractual obligations that require this. These may include mandatory data retention laws, government orders to preserve data relevant to an investigation, or data kept for the purposes of litigation. We may also keep data that has been removed from the Splitz Inc. Service for a limited period of time. This could be: 

  • to help ensure user safety, or   
  • to protect against harmful content on our platform. 

This helps us investigate potential breaches of our User Guidelines and Platform Rules. On the other hand, we will remove unlawful content if the law requires us to do so. 


Transfer to other countries:  

Because of the global nature of our business, Splitz Inc. transfers personal data internationally with Splitz Inc. group companies, subcontractors, and partners when carrying out the activities described in this Policy. 

Whenever we transfer personal data internationally, we use tools to make sure the data transfer complies with applicable law. 

We also identify and use additional protections as appropriate for each data transfer. For example, we use: 

  • technical protections, such as encryption and pseudonymization. 
  • policies and processes to challenge disproportionate or unlawful government authority requests. 

Keeping your personal data safe 

We’re committed to protecting our users’ personal data. We put in place appropriate technical and organizational measures to help protect the security of your personal data. However, be aware that no system is ever completely secure. 

 We have put various safeguards in place to guard against unauthorized access and unnecessary retention of personal data in our systems. These include pseudonymization, encryption, access, and retention policies. 

To protect your user account, we encourage you to: 

  • use a strong password that you only use for your Splitz Inc. account 
  • never share your password with 

 To protect your user account, we encourage you to:   

  • use a strong password that you only use for your Splitz Inc. account 
  • never share your password with anyone 
  • limit access to your computer and browser 
  • log out once you have finished using the Splitz Inc. Service on a shared device   

You can log out of Splitz Inc. in multiple places at once by using the ‘Sign out everywhere’ function on your account page. 

 If other individuals have access to your Splitz Inc. account, then they can access personal data, controls, and the Splitz Inc. Service available in your account. For example, you might have allowed someone to use your account on a shared device. 

It’s your responsibility to only allow individuals to use your account where you’re comfortable sharing this personal data with them. Anyone else’s use of your Splitz Inc. account may impact your personalized recommendations. 



We do not knowingly collect or use personal data from children under the applicable Age Limit. If you’re under the Age Limit, do not use the Splitz Inc. Service, and do not provide any personal data to us. 

 If you’re a parent of a child under the Age Limit and become aware that your child has provided personal data to Splitz Inc., contact us. 

 If we learn that we’ve collected the personal data of a child under the applicable Age Limit, we’ll take reasonable steps to delete the personal data. This may require us to delete the Splitz Inc. account for that child. 

 When using a shared device on the main Splitz Inc. Service, be cautious about playing or recommending any inappropriate content to individuals under 18 years old. 


Changes to this Policy 

We may occasionally make changes to this Policy. 

 When we make material changes to this Policy, we’ll provide you with prominent notice as appropriate under the circumstances. For example, we may display a prominent notice within the Splitz Inc. Service or send you an email or device notification. 


How to contact us: 

For any questions or concerns about this Policy, contact our Data Protection Officer in one of these ways:   

 Splitz Inc. is the data controller of personal data processed under this Policy.